April, 2023


7h 0m

Definitely one the strangest crossovers I've ever seen; played this years ago but dropped it halfway through.

Now that I think about it this game alluded to the Nintendo + Illumination collaboration on the Mario Bros. Movie. Rabbids in essence are the progenitors of minions and who helped make this game? Ubisoft, a company at that time (and perhaps to this day) known for churning out the same rehashed products just to score a quick profit. Illumination is similar in this regard stretching their films out into franchises; creating soulless sequels with as small budgets as possible to maximise profits. iT's AlL CoNneCtED!

Schizo rants aside; game is quite good. Honestly I like the interactions between the Mario characters and Rabbids (Rabbid Peach especially since they're hot). Completed the 'Ancient Gardens' and backtracked to collect extra chests and attempt the challenges.